This week Thomas and I added functionality to our web socket app. I was involved in merging our queue class with the front end so that when the users request a song, it will be added to our queue and be the same for all users. The same queue is also now displayed on the front end for all users (pictures are shown on Thomas’s status report). I also was able to set up our second pi and set up communication between the two Pis. Shown in the link below: a user is requesting the song from their computer then through the web socket our first Pi receives the request then it forwards the song to the next Pi. Communication between our Pis is important so this is good to see.
My progress is on schedule
Next week I hope to have a simple vetoing system so users can vote against a song and all the votes will be stored in the server. Also, we will try to integrate our backend on the app with the work Luke has been doing.