This week Thomas and I worked together on both trying to figure out the lights and adding features to our app. The parts I took the lead on were the vetoing functionality and adding options to queue a song that the DJ recommends. There are two options: 1. a song like the one inputted and 2. a song like the ones previously played in the session. The vetoing allows users to like and dislike songs. and when there are more likes than dislikes (for now, may be changed later) the song will be removed from the queue and concurrently displayed to all users through the WebSocket connections. I also integrated the lights with our Raspberry Pi and connected it to the rest of our system. We are having issues with controlling the lights currently. It worked at first but now every time we send a signal to the lights then it just turns them off. So as proof of concept here is a video of a user requesting a song on a computer from the app hosted on Pi1 which then invokes a message to be sent to pi2 and when pi2 receives the message it sends it to the lights which turns the lights off. Video
My progress is on schedule
For next week I first want to try and figure out what is going on with the lights and how to fix it. I also want to try and implement the user keep alive so that users who are not active will not be able to vote.