This week, I was able to fully integrate the servo motor as the locking mechanism. Quite a bit of iteration was required in getting the code to work, but I was also able to implement a locking function whereby the servo will move to the locked position whenever the “*” button on the keypad is pressed. This can be done at any point in the system, allowing for the user to lock their door easily. I also did research on linear actuators to attach to the servo motor to exhibit more of a “locking” behavior during the public demo next week. With Brooke, we 3D printed a linear actuator that I found on Thingiverse .
I also presented the final presentation, which took a bit of time to prepare for at the start of last week, in addition to losing two class periods to listening to presentations. Earlier this week, I also helped Brooke with choosing new materials for the mat after running into issues with materials flexing too little or too much. During this time, we consulted one of the wood shop operators in Techspark as well as my father, who works with polyurethane, to get an opinion on what materials and pliability we should be aiming for.
The other main thing I have been working on was testing and integrating a new DAC-amp module that Brooke ordered. During initial testing, I believe I found a hardware malfunction and read of a shortcut on an online forum that will circumvent this issue. This worked in testing the sound quality and amplification ability (which is much better than the amplifier circuit I built earlier), however, the functionality of choosing songs and setting the volume still does not work, as the shortcut does not address the main issue of connecting properly. This is an issue, as it won’t allow for song selection, will shuffle through the mp3 files endlessly, and is much too loud for our application. I am going to ask Brooke to take a look at it tomorrow, although I don’t plan to spend much more time on it, as the amplifier circuit works fine enough for the demo.
By Monday, I will settle either on the DAC-amp module or the amplifier circuit so that I can laser-cut the final lock housing and secure the servo in its linear actuator. I will also integrate the new BT module that Zoe ordered to work with the mat’s BT signal (this module is different from the one I originally tested, but did not work for Zoe in testing communication between the Seeed and the lock module).
I definitely feel that I am behind schedule, due to these new modules I am trying to implement not allowing me to finish the lock housing and work solely on the mat with Brooke. This week will be spent getting everything put together for the demo. As mentioned above, I will have settled on the lock electronics and cut out the housing by Monday. I will also be helping Zoe with the poster that is due Tuesday, and working with Brooke to produce the video by Thursday.