Since the last progress report, I have temporarily switched the Seeed microcontroller to an Arduino to get the starter code for the keypad to work. Getting the starter code to run has allowed me to begin building off of it to create what we need for our door lock to meet functionality. Because the past week has been spring break, I have not had access to the components to test new iterations of the code, however, this will be tested as soon as I return to Pittsburgh this Monday. The main areas of modification include receiving the correct number of digits, checking the input pin against a “correct” pin, allowing the “lock” button to bypass a pin input, and outputting a signal to the lock solenoid upon receiving the correct pin. The two images included show progress made before we left for spring break.
I believe I am still on schedule; however, this is contingent on the time it takes to switch back to the Seeed microcontroller this upcoming week.
By the end of next week, I expect that the door lock should be completely functional, minus wireless capabilities.