Current Progress:
- Met with a yoga instructor to take reference pics for each of the 6 specified poses from the TOP and SIDE view
- Also inquired about how a professional yoga instructor judges whether a pose is held correctly and what metrics she uses.
- Based on her feedback, we are now emphasizing whether the joints are aligned with each other (“straightness”) of the limb
- From these pics, created a pose/angle lookup table by quantifying the ideal yoga pose images from the instructor into angles formed from 3 of the 33 possible MediaPipe landmarks using the PoseEstimation function we previously wrote.
- Wrote the getAngle2D function that calculates the angle from 3 inputted nodes. This was used above to calculate the angles at notable joint combinations and analyze how the instructor’s pose angles varied with our hypothesized pose angles. This could also help us identify a valid error threshold as angles could vary slightly from person to person.
- Read and watched tutorials on how to construct a wooden frame that will go around the mirror and LCD screen -> Will finalize the wood dimensions once we decide whether we will use one or two monitors.
In regard to the schedule, we are slightly behind on the hardware construction as we haven’t ordered our materials yet. In regards to the Pose Correction, we have made significant progress and will be most likely finished by the end of the week.
Next Week’s Deliverables:
- Continue working on the Pose Correction algorithm and research other metrics besides angles and node distances that could be used to further improve our algorithm
- Order the LCD monitor, 2-way mirror, and wood
- Participate in a yoga class to gain further insight into what other metrics could be helpful to include
Relevant Courses:
- 16-385: Computer Vision
- 16-467: Human-Robot Interaction
- 15-281: Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving
- 16-384: Robot Kinematics and Dynamics