For this week, I worked on multiple aspects of our project. First, I validated the rotational data using the glove. In order to perform the test, I developed a way of using Processing to save all the rotational data generated
Min Gun’s Status Report for 4/23/22
For this week, I completed multiple tasks including the assembly of the glove and the start of the sensor tests. We had the glove with sensor casings that we 3D printed last week. Since the glove was ready, I soldered
Team Status Report for 4/16/22
This week was largely spent wrapping up the integration phase and preparing for testing. We implemented a three-way serial protocol in which the Due requests sensor data from the Micro, and after receiving said data it requests the ID of
Min Gun’s Status Report for 4/16/22
For this week, my focus was on making the assembly of the glove. I completed the design of the Micro and sensor casings. I placed a 3D printing order at TechSpark and was able to receive the product after two
Min Gun’s Status Report for 4/10/22
For this week, Harry was able to establish the connection between the Micro and the Due. Using the rotational gyroscope data, parameters on Ableton Live are controllable and change sounds as we expected. This turned out to be very promising
Min Gun’s Status Report for 4/2/22
For this week, I worked on multiple aspects of the project. First, I finalized my post-processing method of acceleration data. With our TA’s (Janet Li) help, I was able to create a way to detect direction based on my accelerometer
Min Gun’s Status Report for 3/26/22
For this week, I looked into ways of post-processing the data acquired using the accelerometer/gyroscope breakout board. At first, I wanted to figure out if acceleration data is sufficient enough to detect motion. After research and group discussion, we decided
Min Gun’s Status Report for 3/19/22
This week was a challenge for me to work with the new accelerometer/gyroscope breakout board and the force sensors. Despite acquiring data using another breakout board two weeks ago, this new board has been difficult to establish an I2C communication.
Min Gun’s Status Report for 2/26/22
This week our team spent most of our time on the Design review report. Since we have been building concrete ideas and implementation methods for the project, we looked for ways to further finalize our decisions. We each took part
Min Gun’s Status Report for 2/19/22
For this week, I had two major tasks: preparing for the Design Review presentation slides and acquiring data from the physical sensors. Specifically for the presentation slides, I took part in making the slides for the glove hardware and sensor