Logan’s Status Report 3/6/2020

This week I put a hold on going further with the Unity and asset development as a result of our discussion on Monday to focus more on the physical glove itself, and treat the game as a very minimal demo to start. So instead of frontloading our time with the game assets and development, we met multiple times this week to nail down our exact goals for the glove, and hone in our design. One pivot that we made this week was to purchase IMUs which we plan to test as an alternative to the camera-based motion tracking. I helped work on the design presentation, including the block diagram and metrics/validation sections.
We are on schedule, although our focus has shifted somewhat.
Next week we plan to continue current work, where the development for the game will consist of only what we need to get the bare bones proof of concept working first. Depending on when parts arrive, I expect to spend time helping Arthur configure the IMU components to test extracting motion coordinates.

Logan’s Status Report for Feb 27

I prepared for and presented our project proposal. Feedback was overall both constructive and positive. We need to consider quantifying our requirements and testing strategy going forward. As per our schedule I have installed and been working in blender to develop the 3D models for the game. This has taken a good amount of learning, as expected.

We are on schedule, however we need to order our parts as soon as possible.

For the next week I intend to continue to make progress on the 3D models I am responsible for as well as integration within Unity. I will likely be working with Ishaan to do this next week.

Logan’s Status Report for Feb 20

This week I accomplished my main deliverable of creating my assigned slides for the Proposal Presentation. Our team met multiple times throughout the week during and outside of class to respond to instructor feedback and refine our proposal and project idea. We met on Saturday to set up this WordPress site and finish our slides, and I volunteered to present on Monday.

We are on schedule.

In the coming week I plan to present for our team’s Proposal Presentation. As planned, I intend to help procure the parts we need for the physical glove this coming week, as well as begin designs on the 3D elements of our game. I expect next week to include significant time spent becoming acquainted with Unity as well.