Ishaan’s Status Report 04/03/2021

This week I worked on the following:

  • Using OpenCV to track colored LEDS. This used color thresholding and background subtraction algorithms
  • Using OpenCV to improve our previous implementation of IR LED tracking, we tried background subtraction  tracking LED blinks. Ultimately found that latency was poor with adding these computation steps
  • Tried using a WII Remote and existing WII remote libraries like cwiid to track an IR LED. We found that this method had poor accuracy and could only find the IR LED in certain orientations
  • Worked on assembling the glove. I researched the schematics we would need to use and helped with connecting the FLORA->mux->haptic motor controllers->motor discs

Progress Status – on schedule

Tasks for next week:

  • complete building a functioning Unity Fruit Ninja game
  • Use 2D fruits and 2D orientation
  • Add Home screen, gameplay screen and end screen
  • Use mouse for user input (if possible use our glove tracking system)


Logan’s Status Report 4/3

Our team continued to meet in Hammerschlag this week to work on our project. We spent more time working on the LED tracking, and on Saturday decided that we would split up the remainder of the project before the demo into individual projects that we will be working on in parallel, and still meeting up on campus to put things together. The LED tracking is still not perfect, and will still need some significant improvements before it can reliably be used in the glove. This will be my main focus for the first part of next week. We completed the vast majority of the soldering, which ended up taking a significant amount of time.

We are running very close to the schedule, and may need to make adjustments depending upon how next week goes.

I will mainly be focusing on the LED tracking component of the project, and working to improve the accuracy/speed before our next team meeting on Monday in Hammerschlag. Following that, I will be helping further assemble the glove and working on the Bluetooth connection.