This week I accomplished one of the hard parts of the FPU job manager: writing the FSM for the Convolutional Forward module.
It’s worth mentioning that there were easier options for implementing Convolutional Forward than to define the operation in an FSM. We could have chosen to write convolutional forward in C, compile it to RISCV-assembly, and copy the code to our FPGA and use that, but this would require precious on-board memory that we need to store input samples. Writing Convolutional forward as an FSM is the fastest and smallest solution to our problem, and doing so will maximize our model throughput. Convolutional backward (gradient with respect to the inputs, filters, or bias) are essentially the same nested loops above, so implementing those operations will be significantly easier if I use the code above as a starting point.
I now know the exact requirements that the FPU Job Manager needs: 32×32-bit registers that can be accessed with multiple reads and multiple writes per cycle (I will have to declare an array of registers and expose all of the wires instead of writing a Register File), and some specific ALU/FPU instructions:
- offset = channel_index + (num_channels * i) + ((num_channels * image height) * j)
- x = x + 1 (integer increment)
- x = y + z (integer addition)
- floating-point multiply
- floating-point addition
Like I mentioned last week, having Convolutional Forward completely defined will cause a lot of other pieces to fall into place. Next week, I plan on implementing some of these ALU/FPU and register requirements in SystemVerilog.
Here’s what my definition looks like:
pseudocode: w_o_fac <- x.height * x.channels j <- 0 j_x <- (-1 * pad) while(j < z.width): w_o <- w_o_fac * j_x i <- 0 i_x <- -1 * pad while(i < z.height): beta <- 0 while(beta < f.width): alpha <- 0 while(alpha <- f.height): gamma <- 0 while(gamma < f.in_channels): delta <- 0 while(delta < f.out_channels): z[delta, i, j] <- z[delta, i, j] + (f[delta, gamma, alpha, beta] * x[gamma, i_x + alpha, j_x + beta]) delta <- delta + 1 gamma <- gamma + 1 alpha <- alpha + 1 beta <- beta + 1 delta <- 0 while(delta <- z.channels): z[delta, i, j] <- z[delta, i, j] + b[delta] delta <- delta + 1 i <- i + 1 i_x <- i_x + stride j <- j + 1 j_x <- j_x + stride State transitions: // STATE == START_LOAD1 r1 <- stride r5 <- filter.output_channels r9 <- x.height nextState = START_LOAD2 // STATE == START_LOAD2 r2 <- pad r6 <- filter.input_channels r10 <- x.width nextState = START_LOAD3 // STATE == START_LOAD3 r3 <- output_height r7 <- filter.height nextState = START_LOAD4 // STATE == START_LOAD4 r4 <- output_width r8 <- filter.width *z <- output_height z++ nextState = START_CALC // STATE == START_CALC *z <- output_width z++ r11 <- r9 * r6 // w_o_factor = x.height * x.channels r12 <- ~r2 + 1 // j_x = -1 * pad r19 <- 0 // j = 0 nextState = J_LOOP // STATE == J_LOOP r13 <- r11 * r12 if(r19 == r4): // if j == z.width nextState = DONE else: r21 <- 0 // i = 0 r20 <- ~r2 + 1 // i_x = -1 * pad nextState = I_LOOP // STATE == I_LOOP if(r21 == r3): // if j == z.height r19 <- r19 + 1 // j += 1 r12 <- r12 + r1 // j_x += stride nextState = J_LOOP else: r22 <- 0 // beta = 0 r28 <- r20 * r6 // r28 = f.input_channels * i_x nextState = BETA_LOOP // STATE == BETA_LOOP if(r22 == r8): // if beta == f.width r25 <- 0 // delta = 0 z <- z - r5 // Reset z counter, we’re going to iterate over channels again b <- 2 nextState = BIAS_LOOP_LOAD else: r23 <- 0 // alpha = 0 nextState = ALPHA_LOOP // STATE == ALPHA_LOOP if(r23 == r7): // if alpha == f.height r22 <- r22 + 1 nextState = BETA_LOOP else: r24 <- 0 // gamma = 0 nextState = GAMMA_LOOP // STATE == GAMMA_LOOP if(r24 == r6): // if gamma == f.input_channels r23 <- r23 + 1 // alpha = 0 nextState = ALPHA_LOOP else: r25 <- 0 // delta = 0 r27 <- r24 + (r6 * (r20 + r23)) + (r11 * (r12 + r22)) // x offset nextState = DELTA_LOOP_LOAD // STATE == DELTA_LOOP_LOAD r14 <- *z // r14 <- z[delta, i, j] r15 <- *f // r15 <- f[delta, gamma, alpha, beta] r16 <- *r27 // r16 <- x[gamma, i_x + alpha, j_x + beta] if(mem(z).done && mem(f).done && mem(x).done): nextState = DELTA_LOOP_CALC1 else: nextState = DELTA_LOOP_LOAD // STATE == DELTA_LOOP_CALC1 r17 <- r15 * r16 // r17 <- f[delta, gamma, alpha, beta] * x[gamma, i_x + alpha, j_x + beta] nextState = DELTA_LOOP_CALC2 // STATE == DELTA_LOOP_CALC2 r18 <- r14 + r17 // r18 <- z[delta, i, j] + (f[delta, gamma, alpha, beta] * x[gamma, i_x + alpha, j_x + beta]) nextState = DELTA_LOOP_STORE // STATE == DELTA_LOOP_STORE *z <- r18 if(mem(z).done && r25 == r5): // if(memory is done writing and delta == f.output_channels) r24 <- r24 + 1 nextState = GAMMA_LOOP else if(mem.done): nextState = DELTA_LOOP_STORE else: r25 <- r25 + 1 // delta += 1 z++ f++ nextState = DELTA_LOOP_LOAD // STATE == BIAS_LOOP_LOAD r14 <- *z // r14 <- z[delta, i, j] r15 <- *b // r15 <- b[delta] if(mem(z).done && mem(b).done): nextState = BIAS_LOOP_CALCS else: nextState = BIAS_LOOP_LOAD // STATE == BIAS_LOOP_CALCS r16 <- r14 + r15 nextState = BIAS_LOOP_STORE // STATE == BIAS_LOOP_STORE *z <- r16 if(mem(z).done && r25 == r5): z++ b++ r21 <- r21 + 1 // i += 1 r20 <- r20 + r1 // i_x += stride nextState = I_LOOP else if(mem(z).done): r25 <- r25 + 1 nextState = BIAS_LOOP_LOAD else: nextState = BIAS_LOOP_STORE // STATE == DONE
I remain on the schedule that I proposed last week.
Accomplishments for Next Week
Next week will be time to start implementing the FPU Job Manager. Now that I know the upper limit for the resources that the FPU Job Manager needs, I can be confident that I won’t have to redesign it. Although I only have a couple of FSM controllers defined, I want to go ahead with the implementation so that I can solve any unexpected problems related to SystemVerilog implementation of the modules and memory accesses.