Haohan Shi
Our USB microphone, speaker and RPi camera arrived this week. I mainly worked on these tasks this week:
- Setup USB microphone and speaker on Raspberry Pi. RPi uses headphone jack and HDMI as default sound output. I consulted several guides such as Snowboy document and Google Assistant SDK document to properly set up our USB microphone and speaker as default sound input and output device.
- Setup hotword detection on RPi with our microphone and speaker. It took me a significant amount of time to correctly install all required library and packages, and fix some build errors.
- Hotword detection adjustment. Consider the fact that the ambient noise will be very high during the demo, we need to make sure that the program will still achieve a pretty high detection rate and not give a lot of false alarms. Thus I adjust the sensitivity and input gain on the microphone and tested under simulated environment by playing loud crowd noise and running the program
- Camera input. I researched the basics of getting video input and capture images from the camera. Also, I tried some simple integration by putting together hotword detection and image capture.
My goal next week is to start adding command recognition to our system, and ask for more input to our hotword detection model.
Yanying Zhu
- Currently working on the movement control system but have not tested any of these on the robot. The idea it to set a time interval and get the proximity sensor value every interval. And let the robot turns around to a different direction and then go straight whenever a obstacle at a direction is detected. There’s six values total for all of the proximity sensors together so still have to find a algorithm to fully integrate these data.
- Future goal is that if obstacle detection works out, I can work on edge detection which avoids falling. Another workaround is to draw lines around its moving area so line detection can be used which will be straightforward.
Olivia Xu
- Got LCD connected to Pi. spent a lot of time finding a solution as it turns out Adafruit’s given library has a bug in GPIO. used pip instead
- got sample image code running
- drew some static images specifically to the size of 320*240 pixels to use
Team Status
We are currently on schedule, camera input and speaker + microphone in/output is correctly configured. And our movement control is also in progress.
We encontered dead Raspberry Pi this week, luckily we still have a backup RPi but we may consider order one more. Which is something we need to take care of in our project management.