Progress This week I worked on tasks related to preparing for the interim demo on Wednesday, namely, the video stream latency optimization and controller integration. For the latency optimization, the first thing I did was figure out how to measure
Bujji’s Status Report: Week 6
Week of Mar 23 – Mar 30 Administrivia Had to work on and turn in the second ethics assignment. Project This week I worked on a few different things to help get the project ready for our midpoint demo next
Team Status Report: Week 5
Risks and Contingencies Realized that the RFID scanner we got may not be fast enough. Might not have enough GPIO pins on the rpi to be able to do everything we want to do. As a possible solution, we can
Sourav’s Status Report: Week 5
Progress This week I spent most of my time working on the motor driver. After a small setback of losing the code for the motor PWM module, I re-wrote it and began work on the encoder module. First I began
David’s Status Report: Week 5
Progress Implemented video streaming from pi to unity on pc, which included writing a script in Python on the pi to connect to the pi matchmaking server and set up a socket server for the video stream, and finishing up
Bujji’s Status Report: Week 5
Week of Mar 16 – Mar 23 Administrivia None. Project This week I worked on a few different things to help get the project ready for our midpoint demo in two weeks: RFID: Found a good library that wrote the
Sourav’s Status Report: Week 4
Progress This week I spent several hours working on both the Design Report and the Ethics deliverable 1. This took up the majority of my time this week, and I was quite busy with my other classes as it was
David’s Status Report: Week 4
Progress Early in the week I spent several hours on the design report and ethics assignment and later worked on familiarizing myself with Unity Multiplayer and settting up the network infrastructure for matchmaking between pcs and between pcs and pis.
Team Status Report: Week 4
Risks and Contingencies No new risks were identified this week. Camera stabilization and latency still remain our biggest risk factors and challenges. Changes to Design No major design changes were made this week. Schedule Update A little behind on our
Bujji’s Status Report: Week 4
Week of Mar 3 – Mar 9 Administrivia As a group, we spent nearly all of March 3 preparing our design review report and hashing out any last minute discrepancies we had about the project. This actually was a really