This past week I mainly focused on getting my parts of the project prepared for the mid- point demo. The previous week I had finished the functionality to set the rpm and incomplete steering support. This week I worked on making the steering more accurate, and the networking between the pi and the laptop, to be able to take commands from the xbox controller.
The networking was fairly straight forward and I was able to use the python sockets library to implement a server for the XInput client to connect to. Functionality was implemented to receive turning commands, acceleration, full stop, as well as passive deceleration.
For steering, multiple different approaches were tried but due to the intrinsic speed of python execution it was determined that some inputs were just not being read from the encoder pins correctly. Therefore steering seemed to be particularly difficult. I decided to try to port over the motor module and steering to C/C++ which might be better for this person. Work was begun on this I have not had the time to complete this yet.
Finally I worked on the reading assignment due Sunday.
I am slightly behind schedule as I am redoing some previous work with the port to C/C++, but plan to make up for it later this week.
Deliverables for next week
Due to booth and carnival, I will not be working that much this week, as reflected in our schedule