This past week I was focused on completing tasks relating to having the car fully functionally for movement by the mid-point demo this coming Tuesday.
I completed the encoder reading and feedback loop control for the motors that I had begun last week, and made them more accurate, achieving +- 1 rpm accuracy on a single motor. However, when this was generalized to two threads, some of the accuracy was lost due to the time spent between threads. As such, more time was spent fine-tuning the parameters of the feedback system to get an acceptable level of error. When tested on a straight line test, the car did fairly competently, but further testing could not be completed as the back wheel was not fully attached. Finally the last thing I completed was the set-up of the pi-server thread, which managed the reading of inputs from the laptop. I was able to get this thread started, and receive inputs from the laptop, and then implemented a feature allowing the laptop to turn the car on. This feature is temporary and will soon be replaced by the xbox controller but was more for testing.

(Word Press will not allow me to upload a video of the car in motion for some reason, so this is a screenshot of a video we took)
We are on time for the midpoint demo by next week.
Deliverables for next week
Complete steering and get ready for mid point demo
Sourav’s Status Report: Week 6