Jens’ Feb. 23 Status Report

Jens’ Feb. 23 Status Report

Weekly Progress

This week I created the design documentation for my modules of the project.  These included the MIDI decoder, Polyphony Control, Wavetable Access, and the Sub-Sample Mixer.  This design documentation was taking the overall idea for what each module should do and create a more concrete understanding of what the specific behavoir of each module would be and what its inputs and outputs would be.  Additionally I took this more indepth design process and used it to make the block diagram for this phase of the digital synthesis chain.  The image of this diagram will be attached to this post.  Following this I spent a considerable amount of time working on the presentation slides and preparinghhhhhhhhhh for the design presentation this upcoming Monday, as I will be the group member giving the presentation.

Earlier in the week I worked on creating some preliminary simulations of what the output spectrum of various wavetable sizes would be using Matlab.  From these simulations it was determined that a wavetable size of as low as 256 samples per wavetable wouldnt present issues to the distortion of the end signal.  I also worked to figure out how much space in the block ram these wavetables would take up and how best to use this space.


This week I was scheduled to do the first half of the wavetable incrementer.  That constituted the more indepth design work that I did on the wavetable incrementer module with also includes properly generation of the two unison incrementations.  Currently the schedule is slightly off due to the nature of the project being puntuated by the overall design presentation so the actual implementation half of the wavetable incrementer will occur later.


In the coming week I would like to complete a second revision and overall connection of the system wide block diagram.  Additionally I would like to in the next week begin the actual verilog code for the MIDI decoder module as we have purchases a MIDI controller and now know the specific values of all of its output controls.

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