Team Apr. 6 Status Report

Team Apr. 6 Status Report


This week, we finished up integration and integration testing and completed the end-to-end flow of the synthesizer, such that pressing a key on the keyboard will create sounds on the analog end. Based on preliminary results from our midterm demo product, we are working on a redesign of some parts of the analog filter stage and are also on developing the final amplifier stage to work smoothly with the speaker. On the digital side, we are working on expanding the demo product to include effects and full polyphony, as well as investigating the possibility of needing a digital filter stage.

Scheduling and Risks

We are currently on schedule and do not believe there to be any significant risk ahead. The possibility of needing the final digital filter stage presents some amount of uncertainty, but the main consequence of failing to have the filter ready by the end means some larger amounts of distortion at the very high frequency (highest octave). Fortunately, we believe the difficulty in the filter implementation is low given the filter itself can be configured as an IP core and the filter parameters generated in MATLAB.

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