Changes to the Design
Since there was not too much work done over this week in order to prepare the design review presentation and paper, there are no major design changes either. Professor Mai recommended during the design review presentation that we could utilize the extra block ram to simplify the logic of the effects chain, which is something we had considered to some extent before (extra instances of the wavetable for unison effect calculations). By our rough estimate, we will probably use up a little more than half of the M10K block rams on the Cyclone V, mostly taken up by the delay FIFOs, so we would definitely have the wiggle room for this. One plan for the extra block ram was just to add more waveshapes, since each wavetable only uses up about 2 M10Ks, and it would make the synthesizer cooler to play with without requiring much work. We will further explore utilizing the extra block ram for precomputed effects throughout the next week or two however.
We do not see any changes to the risk factors from last week, and some of the worries regarding integration have been somewhat alleviated by the creation of the block diagrams for our synthesis and effects pipeline.
We are all somewhat behind schedule due to the preparation of the design review presentations and document, but we do not see this as a major issue due to the weeks of built-in slack time within out schedule. There are no changes to the schedule to be made at this time.