Jubahed Qayum’s Status Report for 11/16/24

  1. Lab meetings (4h): During our schedule lab meeting hours, I chatted with Alex about finalizing design decisions regarding the software framework of our project. I also learned how to make and flash code to the ESP32, as this would be necessary for building the Bluetooth APIs for both ends of the project to communicate with each other.
  2. Interim Demo Prep (19hr): I spent a large chunk of my week figuring out the ins and outs of ESP32 bluetooth connectivity. I created a simplified API for the ESP32 to do a variety of operations, including appending data to on-device queue, scanning and pairing with Bluetooth devices, and reading / writing from serial Bluetooth buffer. I also created a FSM for the device to follow a variety of strict states with respect to Bluetooth operations, (idle, collect data from sensors, send buffer to serial Bluetooth) where transitions are initiated by the smartphone app. This API was passed on to Josh to integrate his ADC interface onto it.
    Speaking of the smartphone app, I spent most of the week developing the backend for the app. This included utilizing the Bluetooth connectivity permissions on my Android smartphone to sync with the ESP32, to initiate an ACK system with the ESP32 API to start / stop data collection and control the ESP32’s FSM, and a simple frontend for displaying this functionality for the demo. This also includes committing data collected from the ESP32 to permanent storage on the phone via a working SQLite instance.
  1. The ESP32 code is fully fleshed out and complete. The Android app backend is complete.
  1. Begin verification and validation tests. Sync my backend implementation with Alex’s frontend elements to make the process more user-friendly. Help Alex set up AnyChart API queries for grabbing data from the database.

Joshua Ramos’ Status Report for 11/16/24

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Lab meetings (4h): During our schedule lab meeting hours, I continued work on prototype development and looking into potential battery sources for our device.
  2. Intermin Demo Prototype Prepare (20hr): This week I worked on preparing the hardware prototype for the interim demo. This consisted of soldering the sensors and haptics, hooking up the 4 sensors to the ESP, integrating with Jubi’s bluetooth implementation, converting the ADC readings to its corresponding force values, having the haptics fire with 3 different levels depending on how much force it placed on a particular finger, have each sensor connect to a specific motor, and add tape/velcro to make the product easier to put on and take off.
  1. The hardware prototype is complete.
Next Week tasks & goals
  1. Begin verification and validation tests. Begin designing the PCB to house the circuit and MCU. Order batteries for the MCU.

Alex Nguyen’s Status Update for 11/16/2024

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Mobile App Development (20h):
    1. Figma Design Docs & UI/UX:  finalized app design by creating Figma design docs displaying actual UI/UX layouts/design throughout each intended functionality (home page interactions, threshold settings updating, start/stop/calibration sequence) so that I could build/develop the final version of the android app according to the Figma design docs (especially regarding interactions between frontend elements and processing data from backend databases, but also with regards to aesthetic and quality of use elements) Android Studio Development: Modified mobile app codebase to conform to the Figma design docs I created, made significant progress with regards to the “Threshold Settings” updating functionality within the app (can now confirm updates and throw exceptions if the update was not processed) and reflect threshold changes on the home page. Additionally, the session start and stop timer was implemented successfully and calibration sequence frontend screens have been implemented and their functionalities will be connected to the wearable device soon.
  2. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h):  Met with team, TA, and Prof. and discussed interim demo preparation and expectations.
  1. Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
  1. Mobile App/Device Integration:  Major goal for this week is merging my android app repo with Jubahed’s bluetooth repo so that we can begin connecting the two parts of the android app and begin testing with all three components (glove, app, database/communication).

Alex Nguyen’s Status Report for 11/09/2024

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Mobile App Development (6h): Tested dummy data with AnyChart API, and worked on integrating separate aspects of the app with Jubahed, specifically overall app functionalities between the session history and data visualization pages/functionalities of each respective page. Continued working on the initial startup sequence of the app and began work on bluetooth pairing/implementation within the app.
  2. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h):  Met with team, TA, and Prof. and discussed details regarding aspects of the device, such as the possibility of custom calibration sequences and angle sensors.
  3. Overall Mobile App Testing (2h):  Continued user tests in the latest iteration of the app using AS’s android OS emulator to ensure that the app UX works as intended (scrolling between pages, interactions between buttons on each page).
  1. Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
  1. Mobile App/Device Integration: Begin integration testing between the app and the device.
  2. Testing: Begin testing the intended use case using prototype consisting of sensors attached to crack climbing glove (ordered this week, arrived on Friday). This testing will also aim to determine the consistency of readings while on the selected finger locations as well as durability and comfort of the prototype device,

Jubahed Qayum’s Status Report for 11/09/2024

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Mobile App Development (6h): Spent a large amount of time fixing bugs and fault-testing app backend. Learned how to navigate Android Studio emulator to test app deployment without needing an actual phone. Hoping to combine the mobile app / software prototype enough to interact with the glove for initial demos coming up soon.
  2. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h):  During our lab meetings, I caught up with Alex on changes or suggestions for the app. We worked toward getting Bluetooth read capabilities on our app.
  1. Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
  1. HW/SW interfacing: Combine both components of our project together and make sure they work as intended before demo day.

Team Update for 11/9/2024

General Update

This week Josh spent time working on the hardware prototype by hooking up multiple sensors (4) to the esp32, reading force values off of them, and running a vibration motor upon excession of a preset threshold value. Next steps are to sow the sensors onto the crack-climbing glove. Alex and Jubahed synced up to tidy features on the app, as well as share UX ideas, page layouts, and backend integration.

Risks and risk mitigation

No additional risks (to those previously mentioned) were found during this week’s work.

overall design changes

No design changes.


The schedule remains the same as we are on track.


Joshua Ramos’ Status Report for 11/9/24

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Lab meetings (4h): During our schedule lab meeting hours, I continued work on prototype development and looking into potential battery sources for our device.
  2. Programming ESP32 (4hr): This week I continued working on implenting BLE communication on the ESP.
  3. Prototyping (4hr): This week I worked on implementing a prototype that consists of 4 sensors that lie on the pulley-joints of a single hand, which are read via ADC on the esp32, and runs a vibration motor upon excession of a pre-set threshold value.
  1. The hardware prototype is almost complete, tomorrow we’re picking up the glove from ECE recieving, with which we plan to sow the sensors onto.
Next Week tasks & goals
  1. To complete the prototype with the glove and test it such that we can make fine-tune adjustments by the interim demo.

Alex Nguyen’s Status Report for 11/02/2024

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Mobile App Development (6h): Began testing dummy data with AnyChart API, and continued work on each of the 4 pages of our mobile app, with a focus on the home/landing page and the app startup sequence.
  2. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): Listened to the ethics lecture and participated in group discussions from which we gained valuable insights into potential ethical considerations we should make especially with regards to specific stakeholder groups.
  3. Overall Mobile App Testing (2h):  Conducted basic user tests in AS’s android OS emulator to ensure that the app UX works as intended (scrolling between pages, interactions between buttons on each page).
  1. Progress is slightly behind schedule, we will need to work further to get the app to a demo-able product that we can do integration testing on with the wearable device.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
  1. Mobile App Development: Integrate session history page with Jubi’s database system (carried over from last week) and finish data visualization testing. The goal for this week is to implement communication from the app to the ESP32 via BLE.

Team Update for 11/2/2024

General Update

This week Josh spent time programming the esp to interface with a general purpose computer via BLE communication to view force readings from the sensors. Alex worked mainly on the mobile app, namely continuing work from the previous week focused around the app’s startup sequence and data visualization aspects.

Risks and risk mitigation

No additional risks (to those previously mentioned) were found during this week’s work.

overall design changes

No design changes.


The schedule remains the same as we are on track.


Joshua Ramos’ Status Report for 11/2/24

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Lab meetings (4h): During our schedule lab meeting hours, besides working on our respective implementation duties, my team and I evaluated the state of the project and planned out immediate next steps in regard to initial testing of our design requirements.
  2. Programming ESP32 (8hr): This week I spent time reading documentation for and implementing BLE communication from our ESP32 to my computer.
  1. The hardware prototype is almost complete, as I am still working on the BLE imeplementation.
Next Week tasks & goals
  1. To finish the BLE imeplemenation and test it.
  2. Threshold testing will be conducted later this week with multiple sensors at once to determine the efficiency of the hardware and design.