Data Visualization: Spent time adding data visualization capabilities to the mobile app. This consisted mostly of modifying and adding queries and database functions to grab relevant session data from the database to display.
Double Glove: Mainly worked on our first stretch goal, adding a second glove. For the app, this mainly consisted of adding/modifying the necessary frontend elements and interactions. The bluetooth sequence may need to be modified further to handle one or two gloves without failure occurring when it only detects one glove.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): Gave our team’s final presentation, in addition to providing feedback on other teams’ final presentations.
Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
Final Project Documents: Finish final video, final report, and prepare final demo.
Complete Integration Testing: integrate every piece of the project, including the second glove, and complete all final unit tests and integration tests for the report and poster.
Mobile App Development (6h): Spent a large amount of time fixing bugs and fault-testing app backend. Learned how to navigate Android Studio emulator to test app deployment without needing an actual phone. Hoping to combine the mobile app / software prototype enough to interact with the glove for initial demos coming up soon.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): During our lab meetings, I caught up with Alex on changes or suggestions for the app. We worked toward getting Bluetooth read capabilities on our app.
Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
HW/SW interfacing: Combine both components of our project together and make sure they work as intended before demo day.
Design Report (16h): A large portion of my time was spent working with my team on the design review report. Specifically, I wrote the Android Application Implementation, Sensor Calibration Implementation, Data Visualization & Analysis, and Wearable Fabrication sections. I also contributed to the Design Trade Studies section and wrote about our decision to develop our mobile app in Android Studio using Kotlin. I also wrote the Introduction, Bill of Materials/Budget, Schedule, and Summary sections. I also spent some time updating the original mockup documents to reflect design changes we made between our proposal and design review, specifically the addition of haptic motors to the wearable device and the replacement of login functionality on the mobile app with a User Settings/Threshold Update page.
Mobile App Development (8h): We decided to continue development with Katlin, not Flutter. While we were writing the design report, we had an important discussion where we were able to establish the intended interactions between our mobile app and wearable device. I was able to setup a homepage for our mobile app and am working on testing for data visualization using AnyChart API. Since we are not integrating with the wearable device yet, the next feature I would like to setup is the questionnaire and settings page (currently without the ability to communicate with the wearable device.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): received valuable feedback from TA and Professor, especially regarding our testing strategy.
Progress is mostly on schedule, though I would like to have the mobile app more fleshed out. The front end is currently very bare bones with not much time spent on making it look nice. I will likely work on improving the front end when the base functionalities are established and working.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
Mobile App Development: Create a settings/threshold update page that works independent of the required connection to the wearable device. Additionally, finish testing of data visualization on the home page using dummy data.