Team Status Report for 9/21/24

POtential risks and risk management
  1. A301 sensor failure / incompatibility: Due to our planned application of this sensor, it may be exposed to conditions too harsh, which may result in either partial or total failure. In this case, we will re-evaluate the positioning of the sensor to reduce the amount of sheer force applied to the sensor, mitigating potential damage. Our plan for verifying the sensor’s reliability is to measure readings in a controlled environment where it is applied to extreme physical scenarios.

  2. Op-amp incompatibility with sensor: We found several op amp models in ECE labs however their specifications were not exactly the same as those listed in the A301 documentation. To mitigate any adverse effects this could cause while testing the sensor, we have ordered the exact op amp model specified in the documentation to use in testing, and ideally in the final product if everything works as expected.

Overall design changes
  1. Since we are currently in the stage of testing each of our initial design choices, we will make design changes based on the results of our testing this week (no major changes have been made).

Initial Schedule
  1. We have created an initial schedule which breaks down all the tasks we intend to complete on our way to finishing our project. No updates have been made to our schedule, we remain on schedule as of this status report.

CLIMB Gantt chart – 4/21

Alex Nguyen’s Status Report for 9/21/24

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Device Design and Mobile App UI Mockups (5h): I drew design mockups (shown below) for each component of our project, the wearable device itself and the mobile app that will receive and analyze force readings from the wearable. I designed each mockup based on conversations that me and my team held regarding our vision for the features and use cases of the device.
  2. Wearable Device Prototype (5h): I created a prototype (shown below) for the wearable device part of CLIMB based on the wearable device mockup created earlier in the week. This prototype is constructed of cardstock and masking tape, and should be durable enough to conduct basic testing with A301 sensors and our microcontroller before creating the final product. The prototype can also help our team make the necessary revisions to ensure that the final wearable design accomplishes our goals regarding comfort and usability of the user. 
  3. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): We received valuable feedback from TAs and professors regarding our project ideas, and afterward I further researched several interesting points brought forth during the meetings (e.g. potential for IMU integration). During last week’s lab meetings, I listened to other group’s proposal presentations and provided feedback.
  4. Proposal Presentation (3h): Worked with Jubahed to break down our project into task groups and subtasks and create a Gantt chart to both plan and track our progress over the course of the semester.
  1. My progress is currently on schedule. I added biomechanics research to the schedule/Gantt chart for my personal tasks so that I can finalize the sensor placements in our design.
Next Week tasks & goals
  1. Mobile App Frontend: I intend to begin programming the page architecture/model of our web app based on the intended features and UI mockup (no functionality yet).
  2. Qualitative Testing of Wearable: I will be conducting some ease-of-use testing of the wearable device prototype with climbers and collecting feedback on any improvements that can be made for the next revision.
  3. Biomechanics Research: I also intend to finish researching the ideal placement of sensors for pulley ligament injury detection and finalize our sensor placement in our design.