POtential risks and risk management
A301 sensor failure / incompatibility: Due to our planned application of this sensor, it may be exposed to conditions too harsh, which may result in either partial or total failure. In this case, we will re-evaluate the positioning of the sensor to reduce the amount of sheer force applied to the sensor, mitigating potential damage. Our plan for verifying the sensor’s reliability is to measure readings in a controlled environment where it is applied to extreme physical scenarios.
Op-amp incompatibility with sensor: We found several op amp models in ECE labs however their specifications were not exactly the same as those listed in the A301 documentation. To mitigate any adverse effects this could cause while testing the sensor, we have ordered the exact op amp model specified in the documentation to use in testing, and ideally in the final product if everything works as expected.
Overall design changes
Since we are currently in the stage of testing each of our initial design choices, we will make design changes based on the results of our testing this week (no major changes have been made).
Initial Schedule
We have created an initial schedule which breaks down all the tasks we intend to complete on our way to finishing our project. No updates have been made to our schedule, we remain on schedule as of this status report.