Mobile App Development (6h): Tested dummy data with AnyChart API, and worked on integrating separate aspects of the app with Jubahed, specifically overall app functionalities between the session history and data visualization pages/functionalities of each respective page. Continued working on the initial startup sequence of the app and began work on bluetooth pairing/implementation within the app.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): Met with team, TA, and Prof. and discussed details regarding aspects of the device, such as the possibility of custom calibration sequences and angle sensors.
Overall Mobile App Testing (2h): Continued user tests in the latest iteration of the app using AS’s android OS emulator to ensure that the app UX works as intended (scrolling between pages, interactions between buttons on each page).
Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
Mobile App/Device Integration: Begin integration testing between the app and the device.
Testing: Begin testing the intended use case using prototype consisting of sensors attached to crack climbing glove (ordered this week, arrived on Friday). This testing will also aim to determine the consistency of readings while on the selected finger locations as well as durability and comfort of the prototype device,