Mobile App Development (6h): Began testing dummy data with AnyChart API, and continued work on each of the 4 pages of our mobile app, with a focus on the home/landing page and the app startup sequence.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): Listened to the ethics lecture and participated in group discussions from which we gained valuable insights into potential ethical considerations we should make especially with regards to specific stakeholder groups.
Overall Mobile App Testing (2h): Conducted basic user tests in AS’s android OS emulator to ensure that the app UX works as intended (scrolling between pages, interactions between buttons on each page).
Progress is slightly behind schedule, we will need to work further to get the app to a demo-able product that we can do integration testing on with the wearable device.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
Mobile App Development: Integrate session history page with Jubi’s database system (carried over from last week) and finish data visualization testing. The goal for this week is to implement communication from the app to the ESP32 via BLE.