Jubahed’s Status Report: 10/26/2024

  1. Mobile App Development (5h): Tested and verified that the database can only store data that we need, that it can store data at a fast rate (almost instantly the minute it is received), and that it is fault tolerant. Chatted with Alex about Android Studio page layout and navigating the IDE / how to design pages.
  2. Mandatory Lab Meetings (2h): I actually missed Tuesday’s lab meeting due to a medical issue I was facing where I had to go to my doctor for treatment. I reached out to staff accordingly. I attended Thursday’s session where Josh and Alex caught me up with updates from the course staff.
  3. Ethics Assignment (7h):  Read the two articles, watched the video, and wrote my report for the ethics assignment this week. I really liked the Winner reading and I thought it was an important read!
  1. Progress is on schedule. Alex and I have been connecting frequently this week to get the app in shape. Backend is set up and over the next two weeks, we will create pages to interface with it.
  1. Mobile App Development: Work with Alex to integrate app backend into frontend elements like the chart displaying APIs. This can include creating some dummy data, debugging the database if any problems arise, etc.

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