General Update
Drumroll please……….We won!
- (30hr Frontend Stretch): Alex and Jubi worked on ironing out bugs in the bluetooth communication, dynamic button generation, chart displays/analysis, and threshold updates.
- (30hr Hardware Stretch): Josh worked on designing and assembling a PCB (stretch goal), designing a CAD model to house the device hardware (stretch goal), and creating a second glove (stretch goal). Another stretch goals Josh accomplished was integrating dynamic haptic vibration that increases as the force readings encroach dangerous levels.
- (18hr Video Scripting, Recording, & Editing): This week, Alex, Jubi, and Josh spent time writing a script, recording, and editing a final video that demonstrates our product and design process.
- (20hr End-to-end Testing): This week, Alex, Jubi, and Josh continued testing the device at the Iron City Bouldering gym, where we conducted end-to-end tests using the app to begin, end, and analyze workouts using the CLIMB device.
Risks and risk mitigation
overall design changes
Towards the end, we worked towards supporting our ultimate stretch goal of DUAL WIELDING, however, this would require significant additions and possible revamps of the front-end to account for visualizing data from two hands.
The schedule remains the same as we are done!
This project was so fun! Alex, Jubi, and Josh had a great experience desiging CLIMB and being able to demonstrate the culmination of our ECE undergraduate experience here at Carnegie Mellon University. Throughout this project, we utilized the cornerstones of ECE: circuit design, signal systems, hardware, and software systems. In doing so, we developed a durable, unobtrusive system of assistive features for rehab/training of climbers: real-time pulley monitoring, pulley-risk indication via haptics, wireless, battery-powered use, and workout tracking/analysis via a robust, intuitive user interface (the CLIMB app). We are very proud of this work, and will take this experience with us past graduation. Thank you to everyone who supported us throughout this process, especially the course faculty, TAs, and fellow classmates who provided invaluable feedback at every step!