Jubahed Qayum’s Status Report for 11/16/24

  1. Lab meetings (4h): During our schedule lab meeting hours, I chatted with Alex about finalizing design decisions regarding the software framework of our project. I also learned how to make and flash code to the ESP32, as this would be necessary for building the Bluetooth APIs for both ends of the project to communicate with each other.
  2. Interim Demo Prep (19hr): I spent a large chunk of my week figuring out the ins and outs of ESP32 bluetooth connectivity. I created a simplified API for the ESP32 to do a variety of operations, including appending data to on-device queue, scanning and pairing with Bluetooth devices, and reading / writing from serial Bluetooth buffer. I also created a FSM for the device to follow a variety of strict states with respect to Bluetooth operations, (idle, collect data from sensors, send buffer to serial Bluetooth) where transitions are initiated by the smartphone app. This API was passed on to Josh to integrate his ADC interface onto it.
    Speaking of the smartphone app, I spent most of the week developing the backend for the app. This included utilizing the Bluetooth connectivity permissions on my Android smartphone to sync with the ESP32, to initiate an ACK system with the ESP32 API to start / stop data collection and control the ESP32’s FSM, and a simple frontend for displaying this functionality for the demo. This also includes committing data collected from the ESP32 to permanent storage on the phone via a working SQLite instance.
  1. The ESP32 code is fully fleshed out and complete. The Android app backend is complete.
  1. Begin verification and validation tests. Sync my backend implementation with Alex’s frontend elements to make the process more user-friendly. Help Alex set up AnyChart API queries for grabbing data from the database.

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