Figma Design Docs & UI/UX: finalized app design by creating Figma design docs displaying actual UI/UX layouts/design throughout each intended functionality (home page interactions, threshold settings updating, start/stop/calibration sequence) so that I could build/develop the final version of the android app according to the Figma design docs (especially regarding interactions between frontend elements and processing data from backend databases, but also with regards to aesthetic and quality of use elements) Android Studio Development: Modified mobile app codebase to conform to the Figma design docs I created, made significant progress with regards to the “Threshold Settings” updating functionality within the app (can now confirm updates and throw exceptions if the update was not processed) and reflect threshold changes on the home page. Additionally, the session start and stop timer was implemented successfully and calibration sequence frontend screens have been implemented and their functionalities will be connected to the wearable device soon.
Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): Met with team, TA, and Prof. and discussed interim demo preparation and expectations.
Progress is on schedule.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
Mobile App/Device Integration: Major goal for this week is merging my android app repo with Jubahed’s bluetooth repo so that we can begin connecting the two parts of the android app and begin testing with all three components (glove, app, database/communication).