Joshua Ramos’ Status Report for 10/26/24

Personal Accomplishments
  1. Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): During our lab meetings, we received and provided great feedback from our advisor and TA, allowing us to identify vague aspects of our project design and clarify/finalize them.
  2. Programming ESP32 (4hr): This week I spent time installing the esp toolchain and getting several example files running to verify functionality. I also setup ADC reading and force threshold identification for multiple sensors on the esp.
  3. Testing Haptic Motors (4hr): This week I spent time testing the placement and generated vibration of the haptic motors. I found that placing the motors behind the base of the finger and each at a constant current whenever that finger encroaches the threshold works very well since it is very noticable to the climber.
  1. Progress is a little behind since our sensors came in this week. So the prototype is still in development since we need to sow the sensors into the glove and maneuver the wiring. However we are on track to begin qualitative tests next week.
Next Week tasks & goals
  1. To perform qualitative tests of a design prototype.

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