Team Status Report for 10/5

1. What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project?

  • Facial Recognition and Image Preprocessing: Noah is working on developing the facial recognition and image preprocessing components from scratch, which presents a risk if model performance doesn’t meet expectations or integration issues arise with Jetson or other hardware. However, Noah is mitigating this by researching existing models (RFB-320 and VGG13) and refining preprocessing techniques.
  • Website Deployment and User Experience Testing: Mason’s deployment of the website is slightly delayed due to a busy week. If this stretches out, it could impact our ability to conduct timely user experience testing, but Mason plans to have it completed before the break to refocus on the UI and Jetson integration.
  • Component Delivery Delays: There is a risk that delays in ordering and receiving key hardware components (such as the microcontroller and potentially a new camera for Noah’s work) could affect the project timeline. We are mitigating this by ensuring orders are placed promptly and making use of simulation tools or placeholder hardware in the meantime.

2. Were any changes made to the existing design of the system?

  • Haptic Feedback System: Based on feedback from our design presentation, we decided to move away from binary on/off vibration feedback in the bracelet. Instead, the haptic feedback will now dynamically adjust its intensity. This required the addition of a microcontroller, but it improves the overall functionality of the bracelet.
  • Facial Recognition Model: Noah is creating a custom facial recognition model instead of using a pre-built model, as our project goals shifted to developing this from scratch. This adjustment will give us more flexibility and control over the system’s performance, but also adds additional development time.
  • Website User System and Database: Mason has made progress on the user system and basic UI elements but is slightly behind due to other commitments. No structural changes have been made to the overall website design, and deployment is still on track.

3. Provide an updated schedule if changes have occurred:

  • Bracelet Component and PCB Changes: The decision to remove the PCB from the bracelet and instead use a 3D printed enclosure has been made. This simplifies the next steps and focuses more on the mechanical assembly of the bracelet.
  • Website Deployment: Mason’s deployment of the web app is scheduled to be completed before the October break, and the UI/Jetson configuration work will continue afterward.

Photos and Documentation:

  • The team is awaiting final feedback from TA and faculty on the circuit design for the bracelet before ordering components.
  • Noah’s bounding box and preprocessing work on facial recognition will need further refinement, but initial results are available for review.

Kapil’s Status Report for 9/28

1. What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

  • I attended two team meetings and participated in a work session on Monday, as well as a TA + professor meeting on Wednesday, where I received valuable feedback on my progress and design considerations.
  • I spent most of the week working on a prototype design for the bracelet components of our system. Initially, I aimed for a simple design connecting components directly to the Jetson Nano, but I encountered challenges that made me realize the need for a microcontroller to avoid compatibility issues.

  • I explored several microcontroller options, including the STM32, ESP32, and Adafruit Feather. After discussing with the group TA, I chose the Adafruit Feather due to its seamless integration with the Adafruit components I am using for the bracelet.

  • I created two circuit diagrams: one for a wired connection and one for a wireless setup, ensuring both options are viable based on the needs of the project.

  • Next steps include finalizing the circuit and placing a purchase order for the components. I also plan to start the PCB design in parallel with these tasks.

2. Is your progress on schedule or behind?

  • My progress is on schedule. While there was a slight delay in finalizing the microcontroller decision, I quickly addressed it, and now I’m moving forward with both circuit and PCB design, which are key deliverables for the upcoming weeks.

3. What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  • Finalize the circuit design for the bracelet and place an order for the required components.
  • Begin the PCB design process, working through layout and pin configurations for seamless integration with the bracelet’s components.
  • Prepare to test both wired and wireless configurations once the parts arrive.