Team’s Status Report 11/16

Team’s Status Report 11/16

1. What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project?

  • Jetson Latency: Once the model hit our accuracy threshold of 70%, we had planned to continue doing improvement as time allowed. However, upon system integration, we have recognized that the Jetson cannot handle a larger model due to latency concerns. This is fine; however, does limit the potential of our project while running on this Jetson model.
  • Campus network connectivity: We identified that the Adafruit Feather connects reliably on most WiFi networks but encounters issues on CMU’s network due to its security. We still need to tackle this issue, as we are currently relying on a wired connection between the Jetson and braclet.

2. Were any changes made to the existing design of the system?

  • We have decided to remove surprise and disgust from the emotion detection model as replicating a disgusted or surprised face has proven to be too much of a challenge. We had considered this at the beginning of the project given that they emotions were the 2 least important; however, it was only with user testing that we recognized that they are too inaccurate.

3. Provide an updated schedule if changes have occurred:

We remain on schedule and were able to overcome any challenges allowing us to be ready for a successful demo.


  • We don’t have pictures of our full system running; however, this can be seen in our demos this week. We will include pictures next week when we have cleaned up the system and integration.


Model output coming from jetson to both Adafruit and Webserver:

Model output running on Jetson (shown via SSH):

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