Mason’s Status Report for 10/26

1. What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I made substantial progress on our application by setting up an EC2 instance and deploying the application on it. This involved handling critical tasks like configuring the server, running application migrations, and integrating various components to ensure the system functions cohesively.

I also refined the application mocks, which are now available for review in the team report, and consolidated the app to be more lightweight and efficient to run. The application is almost fully operational, and I am close to making it accessible via a URL, enabling team members and future users to access it directly.

2. Is your progress on schedule or behind?

My progress is on schedule. Deploying the application to EC2 and reaching this stage without major issues is a significant milestone, and I am pleased with the current pace.

3. What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Next week, my primary focus will be A. getting the application fully accessible via web domain, and B. setting up the API call from the NVIDIA Jetson to the server, which will control the server’s output based on input from the Jetson device. Additionally, I plan to establish the Jetson’s TCP connection and enhance the web interface by incorporating features like bar charts to display confidence levels and a stopwatch to track time elapsed per detected emotion.

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