Team Status Report 11/30

  1. What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project?

BLE Integration: Transitioning from UART to BLE has been challenging. While UART meets latency requirements and works well for now, our BLE implementation has revealed issues with maintaining a stable connection. Finishing this in time for the demo is critical to reach our fully fledged system.

  • Limited User Testing: Due to time constraints, the scope of user testing has been narrower than anticipated. This limits the amount of user feedback we can incorporate before the final demo. However, we are fairly satisfied with the system given the feedback we have received so far. The bracelet will be a major component of this though.
  1. Were any changes made to the existing design of the system?
  • We planned to add a Kalman filter to smooth the emotion detection output and improve the reliability of the confidence score. This will reduce the impact of noise and fluctuations in the model’s predictions. If this does not work we will instead use a rolling average
  • Updated the web interface to indicate when no face is detected, improving user experience and accuracy of the output.
  1. Updated schedule if changes have occurred:

We remain on schedule outside of bracelet delays and have addressed challenges effectively to ensure a successful demo. Final user testing and BLE integration are prioritized for the upcoming week.

Testing results:


Model output from Jetson to both Adafruit and Webserver:

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