This week, I integrated my circuit with the new 3D-printed controller frame. The sensors are now aligned with the human hand-finger configuration, ensuring accurate mapping for control. Additionally, I updated the sensor reading code to operate at a 115200 baud rate. The improved code achieves faster response times, with force changes now distinguishable within approximately 0.1 seconds. Over the weekend, we finalized all the major components of our project. At this point, everything is ready for the demo presentation, marking a significant milestone in our progress.
While the progress has not been rapid, it has been efficient, enabling us to meet all deadlines successfully. The project is in a stable state and fully prepared for the upcoming demonstration.
Next Steps:
Next week, we will focus on resolving any remaining issues to further enhance the system. These tasks include adding vibration feedback, redesigning the circuit for improved performance, and refining the controller for better usability. These final adjustments will solidify our system and ensure its success during the demo.