Reva Poddar’s Status Report for 11/9

Progress Update:

We have implemented a buffer system to flush incoming data into a local data structure in Dart. This buffered data is also being saved into a CSV file for further analysis. We are currently working on visualizing this data to better understand the patterns and trends. Additionally, we are developing algorithms to parse through the data structure and the CSV file to detect footstrikes, which is a critical component of our project.

Challenges Faced:

  • Data Visualization: Creating intuitive and informative visual representations of the buffered data.
  • Footstrike Detection Algorithm: Parsing complex data to accurately detect footstrikes requires fine-tuning and validation against real-world scenarios.

Next Steps:

  • Continue refining the data visualization tools within the app.
  • Test and improve the footstrike detection algorithm using the collected data.
  • Optimize the buffer system for better performance and reliability.

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