Changed the LED code so that the different zones update concurrently. Before, each LED set would update in a serial fashion, but now they all update at once. Did some testing yesterday with Albany and my car and the sensors in an empty space so that we could get some data with less interference.
Been working on the power stuff. The Arduino and the STM can now run off the battery power. I just need to select the proper inductor size for the LEDs, and those will be ready to go as well. I’m thinking of switching the microwave sensors to run off of 5V rather than 8V because it seems unnecessary to have specifically 8V for it when it can run off of 4-8V. However, some of the data that we got from the sensors seem to suggest that the output range might be proportional to voltage and not power, so that would be a problem. I’m going to do some testing on Monday to make sure that this isn’t the case before switching over to only 5V converters.