This week, I kept working on the Arduino to test communication with the sensor. Through some debugging of my Python client, I was able to fix the issues mentioned in last week’s status report and start streaming data to the computer in the correct format.
This enabled us to do some testing with one of the sensors, from which we observed that although the distance data may not be correct, the spectral lines seem to be outputting reasonable values from which we are able to determine the distance.
I also wrote some code to store the spectral data arrays into a .csv file for further analysis, although we did not yet get data of actual scenarios. That is planned for next week, when Emily’s bike mount will be completed.
My plans for next week also include streaming the sensor data to the computer using the STM32 to verify the device drivers, and extending the Arduino’s code to support dual sensors, so that we can test interference between sensors. If more time is present, I will also enable the built-in accelerometer on the STM32, and start writing the drivers to control LEDs.