Sophia’s Status Report for 02/22/2025

This week, I added in a check for different OS to the scanner controller program. So far, it correctly recognizes and adjusts the scanning context based on the OS, since NAPS2 uses a different scanning context object for each OS. I also added a “scans” folder to save each scanned .png file to. Each scan process/cycle will create a new scan folder (in the format of scan0, scan1, scan2, etc.) in the scans directory in order to keep scan cycles cleanly separated. Each scan .png file will be saved in its respective scan cycle folder (in the format of scanPage0.png, scanPage1.png, etc.). So, for example if we take 3 scans of an object, then you could find scanner-controller/scans/scan0/scanPage0.png, scanner-controller/scans/scan0/scanPage1.png, and scanner-controller/scans/scan0/scanPage2.png to send to the image processing component. I would just need to make sure the program knows what scan number it is on, essentially passing a scan ID between functions.

Additionally, I  implemented an exception for if there are no scanners detected. I also did more research into the NAPS2 documentation and how to properly connect the scanner. I usually use WSL to run code that’s stored on my Windows OS filesystem and I can run the code fine through Windows, but I think I’ve found a way to get the scanner recognized in WSL too. So, I believe I would be able to test both the Windows OS and Linux OS environments from my laptop alone. Yon would just have to test the Mac OS version.

The scanner I ordered arrive. Next week will begin testing communication integration with it. I am currently on schedule.

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