Michael’s Status Report for 3/9/2024

Weekly Accomplishments

Due to a family medical emergency, I wan’t able to do much besides work on the design report this past week. We completed the design report and I worked on many of the diagrams, updated our CAD models, as well as wrote much of the content for the Design Requirements, Architecture, Implementation and Related Work sections.

Overall Progress

I’m not behind, but I’ve got a lot of work to do in the coming weeks. Thankfully, we had enough notice that I would be leaving early that we could slightly rework our schedule. However, it meant that I wasn’t able to confirm the new camera hardware works as expected.

The biggest concern towards progress is we have yet to recieve notice that the AMD hardware has arrived to the ECE inventory. We’ll be using an old laptop that I have in place of our planned KV260, but ideally we get everything working on the KV260 sooner rather than later.

Next Week’s Goals

  1. Install ubuntu on the laptop/server and get our server code running
  2. Train YOLOv8 model for object detection
  3. Go grocery shopping (for gathering additional reference data & testing object detection)
  4. Breadboard scanner (going to delay assembling into chassis until next week)
  5. Test new cameras with scanner & perform object detection on groceries

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