Currently, the most significant risk that can jeopardize the success of our project is in our pick-up mechanism, as we found our prototype unable to pick up trash properly. Sometimes, the robot can get the trash into the roller, sometimes it is not. However, we have not gotten a consistent test working yet, so this may work fine. The bigger concern is with the distance between the roller and the conveyor belt, as we noticed the trash is unable to get onto the belt. To remedy this, we plan to add a scoop-like mechanism out of acrylic board to get the trash onto the belt.

Another risk we have is our inability to SSH into the Raspberry Pi over school WIFI. We were hoping to use this to control the robot remotely for the interim demo and potentially for the final demo. We have looked into a few alternatives, and we currently plan to use a small monitor we bought intending for use as a counter of sorts to control the Pi temporarily until a better solution can be found.

There was one change made to the existing design of the system, and that is of adding the scoop-like mechanism. We need this change to get the trash from under the roller to the conveyor belt. We may be able to make one out of acrylic board to avoid incurring additional costs.

According to our updated schedule last week, we are slightly behind with the integration of the RPi into the build system due to the burned hats and need to accommodate the scoop into the time for the rest of our schedule. We should be able to rectify this within a week, however.

Here is the current state of our robot:

Here is our working ML subsystem in the 1300 wing:


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