Jordan’s Status Report for 4/6

This week, I finished the assembly of the fingering collection system. All sensors are installed and tested, and now all that is left is software. Testing is also completed, and performance is within the use case requirements.

For next week, I will start working on the integration with the rest of the system. I will need to map all sensor data to actual fingering data for the web server, as well as developing a way to coordinate the recording of both fingering and audio together for the system to analyse. The biggest issue is synchronisation, as the audio and fingering are collected on different devices, and the timing will be important. All of this is based on the discussion I had with my team earlier this week, and we finalised on the specific format of the outputs.

I am still on track, according to last week’s schedule. My individual part is mostly complete, now it is just integration.

Junrui’s Status Report for 4/6

This week our team discussed about the modifications we need to make to each individual part to move towards integration. I changed the logic of my app to let the user play after clicking on start, and click on replay to display the diagrams and feedback generated from the fingerings and pitch data in the practice session. Since the expected outputs from our pitch detection system and fingerings system contain timestamps of start and end for each fingering/note,  I was able to tolerate a mismatch for 0.5s in the synchronized reference data and user data to allow users play in a way that is not perfectly aligned with the reference.

I am on track this week. Next week I will test with the actual results from other parts to see if the web app will function as expected, and also check whether the 0.5s threshold is suitable for real-world data.