Team Status Report for April 6, 2024

– What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the
project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?

Right now, our biggest risk is the battery life of the bench sensor module. We have concluded that some data has been missing because it dies prematurely. The NodeMCU is the cause of the batteries being drained, so Max is currently looking for ways to conserve power consumption.

– Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements,
block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs
does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?

No immediate changes have been made, but one might have to be made this week. Our investigation will determine if it is necessary or not to make any significant changes.

• Provide an updated schedule if changes have occurred.

We updated our schedule for the interim demo this

Status Report 8 Answer:

We have already been able to validate our system with each subsystem that is set up in the UC gym being able to communicate with our server. To validate more rigorously, we plan on replicating several scenarios with both the people counter and bench sensor on our own, and ensure that results are both real-time (as we defined) and accurate as we defined.

Derek’s Status Report for April 6, 2024

This week, I worked on helping my team debug the sensors. The issue we had this week was with our bench sensor not collecting data properly. Our priority is to have enough data to train our machine learning model so I focused a lot of my effort into figuring out why it was not collecting data properly. The source of the issue had to do with the battery dying very quickly. I also had issues with how the backend was logging hourly data. Instead of logging only once an hour, it would log twice an hour with one entry having an occupancy value of 0.   I am currently working on a solution for this.  Additionally, there is a problem with resetting the people count each day which I am also working on.

In addition to debugging our system, I worked on adding to the front end of the app. Specifically, I worked on implementing the google maps API into the front end so that users are able to see how long it will take for them to get to the gym and how crowded it will be when they arrive.

I am currently slightly behind of schedule because of the problems we are having with our system. This week I plan on focusing all of my effort into debugging all of the software issues. I also plan on continuing to work on the front end.