Team Status Report for 2/24

We solved the previous issue of the Jetson not working and successfully managed to get a new one from inventory flashed with the OS and running. We performed dummy object detection experiments with particles on a napkin and observed a high false positive rate, which is a challenge that we are going to work on in the coming weeks. All three of us have successfully started onboarding with Swift. 

We changed our use case and technical requirements for cleanliness to measure the actual size of the dirt particles instead of the covered area because it was too vague. We realized that 15% coverage of an area doesn’t really have meaning in context and instead wanted to measure meaningful dirt particles, specifically those that are >1mm in diameter and within 10 cm of the camera. We have also created new battery life requirements for the vacuum such that it must be active for over 4 hours, and have performed the accompanying calculations for maH. We updated our block diagrams and general design to include a form of wireless power with batteries that we plan on ordering in the coming week. In addition, we discovered that developing with Xcode without a developer account/license means we can only work with a cable plugged into our phone. While this is fine for the stage of development we are currently in, we need to purchase at least one developer license so that we can deploy wirelessly. This is the only adjustment that impacted our budget; we did not make any other changes to the costs our project would incur. We do not foresee many more use case/system adjustments of this degree.

Our timeline has accounted for enough slack so that the schedule has remained unchanged, but we definitely need to stay on track before spring break. We managed to find a functioning Jetson which has allowed us to stay on track, which was our challenge from last week because we did not know what was the problem or how long we would be blocked on the Jetson for. Luckily this has resolved, but we still need to acquire the Apple Developer pack so that we can power the Jetson wirelessly. This week, one of our main focus points will be the room mapping—we want to soon get a dummy app running with ARKit which can detect the edges of a room. Another one of our frontrunner tasks would be to flush out the rest of our design document.

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