This week I spent a lot of time improving certain parts the interface of the app as well as implementing the ability to actually send text messages to the inputted emergency contacts when a button is pressed and the ESP 32 sends an alert to the companion app. I also spent time creating an “alert dialog” that upon recieving a “alert!” from the esp, prompts a popup on the app asking the user to confirm or cancel the alert. If confirmed the text will be sent, and if not it gets disregarded. Additionally I began working on the geofencing interface. Thus far I have created a preference page where the user can input their home address as their reference point (using google API’s to auto-predict the address as they type) . Once they input their home address and the latitude and longitude coordinates get stored. I also have to add a button for the user to input their desired geofence radius. After this the next step is to repeatedly get the current lat and long coords and then use compute the Haversine Distance to see if we have exceeded our geofence range -> to then alert the companion app.
To verify this has been working we have been testing sending an alert with a button on the breadboard connected to the ESP. We test when the bluetooth is disconnected whether the message has been sent via the cellular chip and if it is connected does the companion app receive the message. We also have been inputting different number of emergency contacts to see when sending a message it goes to all users. I have also repeatedly sent messages to see if my alert dialog box works (not just once and that it keeps working no matter if i cancel or confirm). There are still currently some timing issues that I am looking to fix.
I have attached a Demo with my progress below: April 6th Status Report Demo