Bradley’s Status Report for 3/9

This week, we worked on the design report. Before this, we needed to finalize our design and select the parts. I picked most of the parts, put them on a spreadsheet, and made the orders. I had to consider the size of a feasible battery we could use, and then pick the correct voltages of the remaining parts so they could all be powered by said battery. We ran into a problem involving ordering UHF RFID receivers, as they are very expensive on domestic websites such as digikey. We ordered a relatively cheap one on AliExpress, but our TA has told us to not rely on that website. Tamal said we could use a smaller frequency RFID as proof of concept. As a result, we ended up ordering both types of RFID recievers, antennas, and tags.  After that, I also helped write the design report due this week. Since we were able to finalize our design, as well as get our orders in, I think we are on schedule. This week I also researched how all of our parts will be integrated together, to be ready for assembling when the parts do arrive.


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