Thomas Lee
- Much of this week’s work was done together as a team in the Hamerschlag labs testing our project ahead of the Interim Demo next week. There were a lot of hours of recompiling, retesting, and refactoring our code as we debugged and made sure our modules worked in the lab demo environment. This was done to ensure that our end-to-end functionality behaved as intended. Additionally, I changed our code so that the User requests would work as an async function, so that the queue displayed on the Web App would update instantaneously, without waiting for the Spotify querying round-trip time. This improved the ‘snappiness’ or our app, making it appear more responsive. Furthermore, I worked with Matt to revamp our Like/Dislike system to serve Users the specific Like button configuration that is unique to them. If Users have queued a song themselves, that song should initially appear as already Liked, and the other like buttons on the songs on the queue that they did not request should initially appear as blank (no Like or Dislike clicked yet), as well as updating the Like counts of each song accordingly. Previously the states of the buttons would flip if different Request buttons were pressed, now the correct button state and behavior is shown for each User’s own web app client. I also tracked down the ENTTEC DMX to USB translation unit as well as the DMX to XLR/DMX cable we would need to integrate it with our Raspberry pi and lighting fixture in the IDeATe lab. Hopefully we will have that early next week.
- Progress is on schedule, synchronized to the timing of the Interim Demo.
- Next week, I hope to be able to run the lighting test script and produce some controllable lighting fixture behavior, and begin integrating it with the rest of our codebase such that the Raspberry Pi automatically controls it. I will also improve our app backend and queue controller modules, specifically in regards to changing our song veto system to only consider veto votes (dislikes) from active/recently online Users.