Mike’s Status Report for 4/20/24

Mike’s Status Report for 4/20/24

This week I spent 4 hours in class working on the project with my team. The UI is getting very close to where we want it to be, so I have been helping out Simon and Alex with their respective systems wherever they need help. Besides that, I have been focusing on testing the UI by asking both pong players and non pong players to use our UI and fill out a form. Overall the reviews of the UI are good and I think we have almost met / have met our goal of a 95% satisfactory rate. As for the Gantt chart, I am on track and helping the teammates stay on track.


As for new things I learned, I have never sent requests with react before. In order to figure out how to get the front end to communicate with the backend, I watched guides on how to this connections between different frameworks. After watching these guides, I implemented a function that can send all our requests to our backend. It took a lot of trial and error and google searches, which were another way I learned how to send requests. Besides that, there are some parts of react I was rusty with, like hooks. I used online guides to jog my memory on how to use react hooks and implemented them in my part of the project.

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