This Week:
- Assembled and soldered PCBs with help from Callum (Took a while! But quicker than expected!)
- Acquired the ammeters for the charging subsystem and ran some preliminary tests to verify functionality
- Finalized wire management topology for PCBs to Arduino with Callum.
- Figured out where to 3D print our parts (for free!) with Luca.
Current Schedule:
I believe that we are ahead of schedule, at least on the electronics side, since we could get the PCBs done in 2 days. We are still running a little behind on the mechanical integration due to unexpected issues, but we should be back on track with that soon!
Next Week:
- Finish code for the charging circuit.
- Finalize the wiring topology and cable management for the charging circuit.
- Sanding down the bottom of the PCBs to ensure smooth movement of the charger and gantry.
- Helping Luca and Callum with the mechanical integration. We will need to finalize the material that we are going to be using for the table-top, so that we can laser etch indents for the PCBs to be flush with the underside of the table-top.
- I am also going to look into integrating the charge current for finer location sensing and integrating that with the gantry code. However, this will probably bleed into the week after.