Elijah Knupp’s status report for March 1st

This week’s accomplishments

  • Wrote, edited, and formatted the design report. Specifically, these were my responsibilities on the report:
    • hardware architecture
    • Introduction
    • gantry subsystem implementation
    • water heating and distribution subsystem implementation
    • scale subsystem implementation
    • risk mitigation
    • BOM
    • Formated, edited, and submitted the final report
  • Attended mandatory lab
  • Pump flow and current testing
    • will need to test further to fully understand the relation between current and flow rate.

Next week’s plan (spring break)

  • Will be traveling, so I have limited time to work hands-on with the project
  • However, will be looking to successfully run OctoPrint on my personal Rpi to communicate with the 3-D printer
  • Experiment with different flow rates (and how much current each rate requires)

Status Report: On schedule

Elijah Knupp’s status report for Feb 24th

This week’s accomplishments

  • Ordered parts for the project
  • Attend and critiqued the capstone design presentations on 2/19 and 2/21
  • Began writing portions of the technical paper for this project. Focused on how to smoothly integrate OctoPrint with the Ender-3 3D printer. Will need to decide if we should lock the z-axis movement of the printer since we will only need movement in the x/y planes to pour the water. However, it may prove to be more complicated to do so.
  • Flashed my personal Rpi with OcotoPrint to begin experimenting with the gantry’s movement at home.

Next weeks plan

  • Begin constructing and setting up the 3D printer
  • Begin experimenting with Ocotprint
  • Write the technical report

Status Report: On schedule

Elijah Knupp’s status report for Feb 17th

Personal accomplishments

  • Contributed towards creating a bill of materials
  • Finalized the materials needed for the gantry. As mentioned in this week’s team report, our team is approaching our machine with this mindset: “If a reliable solution currently exists, why try to reinvent it?”. So, for the gantry, decided on repurposing a 3D printer. To communicate with our Rasperry Pi, determined that OctoPrint, an open source 3D printer controller, would be best.

Next Week’s Deliverables

  • Will begin ordering many of the required materials on the BOM
  • Will begin reading and creating notes on the 3D printers user manual to understand how to best integrate it into our coffee machine (including how OctoPrint can/will interact with it).

Status Report: On schedule


Team Status Report for Feb 10th

This week, our team presented the proposal slides to our peers and mentors. Received useful feedback that we’ll be utilizing to improve future presentations. This week will be important for researching what parts we need to order, reserve from local inventories, and/or create (perhaps through 3D printing). We will also start working on narrowing down technologies + circuit diagrams as part of the preparation for the design presentation.


Status Report: On schedule

Elijah Knupp’s status report for Feb 10th

Personal accomplishments

  • Finalized the slide deck for the proposal presentation
  • Presented the team’s proposal slides and fielded questions regarding the project
  • Read and analyzed feedback from peers and mentors regarding the quality of the presentation
  • Began researching gantry solutions (specifically, what needs to be created vs. what already exists)

Next Week’s Deliverables

  • Create a list of components that need to be ordered for the gantry
  • Research and save essential resources I’ll be using to guide the gantry’s creation process

Status Report: On schedule