Corrado Govea’s Status Report for April 27th

This week’s accomplishments

  • Prepared and gave the final presentation on Monday for our project.
  • Continued testing and debugging of our system.
    • Specifically, found some issues with the pump’s mosfet circuit where the mosfet was getting very hot even with a heatsink, so I redirected a fan that uses power directly from the gantry’s power supply.
  • I helped debug the script used to control the heating and dispense, which was giving us some trouble when running everything together.
  • Met with the team to discuss next steps and labor division for the remaining tasks (poster, final report).

Next Week’s Deliverables

  • Finish fixing the current issues with the pump to make it more reliable — this will require extensive testing, but also lots of debugging to figure out what may be causing it to stop working sometimes.
  • I will cover the testing and hardware implementation sections of the poster.
  • Make an enclosure for all the electronics to sit in the gantry.
  • Haven’t fully decided the labor division for the final report, but will be working on my parts once we meet to determine this.

Status Report: On Schedule

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