Elijah Knupp’s status report for March 30th

This week’s accomplishments

  • Attended mandatory labs
  • Troubleshot the scale. There were bugs in the code that need to be ironed out
  • Integrated the scale fully into the rpi. Accurate to the gram
  • Integrated the temperature probe.
    • both signals from the scale and probe are routed through the Arduino to the rpi, creating a sleek and simple method to allow for the data to be incorporated into the project
  • Helped to integrate the water pump…still needs a good bit of work

Next weeks plan

  • Demonstrate what I have finished up to this point.
    • converted the analog scale into a scale that outputs signals readable by the rpi
    • integrated the temperature probe
    • tested the pump’s operation
    • assembled and tested the movement of the 3D printer
  • Implement the thermos into the project. Will need to work with signals from the temperature probe to monitor and adjust the temperature of the water

Status Report: On schedule

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