Elijah Knupp’s status report for Feb 10th

Personal accomplishments

  • Finalized the slide deck for the proposal presentation
  • Presented the team’s proposal slides and fielded questions regarding the project
  • Read and analyzed feedback from peers and mentors regarding the quality of the presentation
  • Began researching gantry solutions (specifically, what needs to be created vs. what already exists)

Next Week’s Deliverables

  • Create a list of components that need to be ordered for the gantry
  • Research and save essential resources I’ll be using to guide the gantry’s creation process

Status Report: On schedule


Rio Pacheco’s status report for Feb 10th

This week’s accomplishments

  • Write presentation of initial design ideas and present to the class
  • Attend mandatory lab
  • Research existing designs, begin thinking about parts to use for finalized design
  • Reserve Raspberry Pi from inventory

Next weeks plan

  • Look through inventory to see what other parts we can adapt to our design
  • Begin sketching general ideas based on feedback and existing inventory
  • Research existing methods for insulating electronics from heat + moisture